Referrers - Search keywords - Keyword details

Guide for:

This report shows the details about the data of the visits generated by the search keyword you selected in the 'Search keyword' report.

The first report shows the total number of referrers, the search engines in the list underneath and the corresponding percentage on the total referrers as well as the visits generated by the examined keyword and the corresponding percentage on the total visits by referrer.


The table lists the search engines where a particular keyword has been searched during the selected month.
Each row shows: By clicking on the Pages (Landing Pages of each Referrer) icon   for each search engine, you can access the report that shows the list of landing pages for the corresponding referrer, i.e. the entry pages on which users from the search  engine under consideration arrived.

Bounce Rate
The Bounce Rate, in connection with a traffic source, helps you in understanding the possible reactions of users when arriving on your site from a specific search engine or keyword.
A high Bounce Rate could be due to a gap between the landing page and the expectations that an ad in the site, in a search engine or in a promotional campaign has generated in the user.
The Pages report (Pages) lets you see in detail which pages have a higher "Bounce Rate" for a specific source, providing you with a useful set of statistics to figure out what are the problems for your visitors and optimize your investment.
For more information about Bounces, please take a look at the page called: Bounces - Bounce Rate

Bounces and Bounce Rate are available since July 2010.

SERD™ (ShinyStat™ Business only)
Thanks to the SERD™, the table shows the average ranking of your site per engine in relation to the examined keyword.
The SERD™ is available for the major search engines.

Campaign Conversions
This value is the sum of the values in all the pages and not only of the value in the current page.

For easier reading, the last row in the list shows the total listed values.

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Total referrers