ShinyStat™ Video Analytics - Videos per page

Guide for:

Is it possible to keep under control my own video contents whilst, at the same time allowing its web 2.0 distribution to other websites? Is it possible to check on which sites the video performs better?

The report Video per page shows you a list of the pages where your videos have been viewed in the given time period.
In this section you can see total viewing data for all the videos listed in the web pages of reference.
The report allows the Video Publisher to keep under control his/her own videos, as it is possible to see if the video has been published in other web pages and with what results.

The report provides you with useful data to check how your video has naturally spread itself all over the Net, and in particular what channels (Blogs, Social Networks or Websites) provided the best consumer rating.

Furthermore, through the gathering of this data, it is possible to guess the preferences of the ideal target viewers of the video, and, in the final instance to determine which are the sites, blogs and portals it would be convenient to strike a deal with for the further spread of your contents.

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ShinyStat™ Video Analytics - Videos per page