The term "Conversion" means the successful completion by the visitor of a specific action considered as important to the objectives set by the website manager.
Not everyone sell through the website, but everybody has a clearly defined primary goal to pursue: the subscription to a newsletter, the registration to a website or a forum, the filling out of an info/availability request form etc..
When there is no sell or a real transaction, but rather the achievement of one or more objectives by one's own website, we are talking about Non Monetary Conversions.
For instance, not all the hotels have an online booking system, but very many receives requests of availability through a form on the website.
In this case, the Non Monetary conversion coincides with the filling out of a form for a request.
For each Non Monetary Conversion, ShinyStat provides many useful data, such as:
- first visit referrer which indicates the origin of the user's first visit and the last referrer which indicates the origin of the conversion visit.
- the buy attitude, i.e the ratio between the number of conversions and the amount of the visits that the user has made
- the conversion time, represented by the period elapsed from the first visit to the conversion visit
- conversion paths, i.e. the path the purchaser took throughout the website on the occasion of the purchase.
- visit geolocalization along with the details relating to the country, region and city from which the conversion visit has been made.
Other data entered by the customer when filling out the form, should be provided by the web site manager by correctly installing and configuring the service.
In the Non Monetary Conversion section it is possible to display the following reports:
- Conversion List
- Number of conversion
- Conversion Rate
- Conversion Sources
- Global campaigns
- Visits per Conversion
- Page Views per Conversion
- Time of Conversion
- Conversions per Browser
- Conversions per OS
- Conversions by Gender and Age Groups
- Conversions by Interest Categories
The "Conversion Sources" report shows you the sources of traffic from websites, search engines and keywords, Pay Per Click campaigns (keyword advertising) or direct requests, which generate the greatest number of conversions, i.e., of business or target visits.
The "Conversions by Gender, Age Groups and Interest Categories" offer statistically based reports that allow you to analyse the conversions according to the socio-demographic profile of visitors (gender, age, interests).