Times - Time spent on each page

Guide for:

This report shows the average time your visitors spend on each page of your website.

The first table shows the number of pages, listed underneath, and the average time spent on listed pages.


Each table row shows: (*) Bounce Visits and Bounce Rate are shown when the page under examination has been an entry page at least once in the selected period.

Clicking on the Refs (Referrers of each page) icon on a given page, you can access the report that lists the Referrers, that is the traffic sources (regardless of the referrer's type: Direct request, Sites, Search Engines, Campaigns, Pay per Click) that brought users to your site in the selected time period, entering it from that particular page.

Clicking on the "Day-by-day" icon for each page, you can access the report that shows the trend of the average time spent on each page in the selected time period.

Bounce Rate

The Referrers report (Refs) lets you see which are the traffic sources with the greater Bounce Rate for these landing pages, providing you with a useful set of statistics to pinpoint critical spots and figure out what problems are encountering your visitors.
The Bounce Rate, in connection with a traffic source, helps you in understanding the possible reactions of users when arriving on your site from a specific search engine or keyword, from a given web page or from a particular campaign (banner, mail, link, or Pay Per Click).
A high Bounce Rate could be due to a gap between the landing page and the expectations that an ad in the site, in a search engine or in a promotional campaign has generated in the user.

For more information about Bounces, please take a look at the page called: Bounces - Bounce Rate

Attention! Bounces and Bounce Rate are available since July 2010.

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Times - Time spent on site