Mobile Analytics - Page views per visit

Guide for:

The report named "Page views per visit from Mobile Devices" shows the number of page views during a visit from a mobile device.

The first table shows the following data:

For each row, the table shows:

On its horizontal axis, the chart shows the days or the months of the represented period and, on the vertical axis, the time spent per pages. In detail, the chart shows the page views per visit from Mobile Devices, from tablets, from smartphones and the page views per visit independently from the used device in the selected time period.

For the 'latest 31 days' and 'latest 3 months' intervals, it is possible to choose a different graph chart by clicking on the icon corresponding to the graph type (Flash, bar or line chart).
Moreover, for intervals no longer than 6 months you will be shown a dotted line representing the 7-day mobile average.
For the other intervals, you will be shown only the 7-day mobile average, except for flash chart that shows the daily data for any period of time.


The table shows the following data retrieved according to the selected time interval : For intervals longer than the 'latest 3 months' the data is represented on a monthly basis and not per day. Click on the name of a month to view the daily data.

Please Note:
* Data on traffic split by tablet and smartphone is available since February, 12th 2015.
   In the Free version Data on traffic split by tablet and smartphone is available since April, 9th 2015.
   It isn't possible to select time periods starting before this date.

Please note that you can retrieve only the data of the pages where the ShinyStat html code is correctly inserted.

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